100% Online Publishing

At Rhetorical Ratatouille,  we work 100% online.

Not only it has a positive impact on the planet by drastically reducing the carbon footprint per publication, but it also gives us a lot of flexibility, and it makes us truly borderless.

From the author contract signature (we use DigiSigner, a free service, and highly encourage you to signup), to e-publishing and online distribution, everything happens on the web. We leverage the use of Google Docs to avoid sending unnecessary emails/attachment, filling up your inbox with extra data, and using unnecessary bandwidth out there.

Sometimes authors or readers are still very keen on getting a paperback version, so on case by case, we also provide analog books. But even then, we use a print-on-demand technology that only produces what is needed when it is needed.

Payment of royalties is done online as well, as it proves to be the fastest, most secure and most cost effective way to pay you.

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